There's No App to Replace Your Lap!!!
We focus on continually gathering and assembling a collection of books centered around western lifestyle & rural culture. We have created a platform dedicated entirely to Western-theme children’s books. These collections include timeless favorites as well as new discoveries that you may not know about
Yes, of course! Just select our Gift Box Option.
Remember, our one-time gift box ships with our subscription boxes at the beginning of each month. Example: If you order on the 2nd of the month, your box will ship during the first week of the next month. If you need it sooner, let us know and we will see what we can do.
What are some occasions to gift a Wildwest Kidz gift box?
• Birthday
• Milestone
• Christmas
• School Celebration
• Build a personal library
• Days that end in ‘Y” ?
Absolutely! Wildwest Kidz makes it SO easy to gift to your favourite little cowboy kid. The arrival of a Wildwest Kidz box is sure to thrill. Each book is individually wrapped, making the unboxing experience an event that lasts and lasts. Each month a box of new books arrives to share as a family – truly the gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving…
Well, first of all, we do all the work! We are always actively seeking out the best Western-themed books - it's our passion! Plus - We always include some great additional content in each box. Crafts, recipes, and code of the west activities and facts! A Wildwest Kidz box is so much more than books.
If you desire to cancel your subscription prior to the end of your chosen term, you must contact us at
After the initial commitment term is complete, subscriptions must be cancelled in the first 20 days of each month to cancel for the next month. If a subscription is cancelled after the 20th, customers will be charged for and receive one last package. All products thereafter will no longer be sent, and subscription charges will cease.
Wildwest Kidz ships in bulk. This means that ALL boxes are fulfilled and sent during the first week of each month.
Remember, our one-time gift boxes and our one-off books ship with our subscription boxes at the beginning of each month. Example: If you order on the 2nd of the month, your box will ship during the first week of the next month. If you need it faster, get in touch and we will try to make things work!
Your box will generally ship within one month of successful billing and is typically shipped via Canada Post or USPS (this includes the one-time gift box and our subscription packages). We send all boxes before the 10th of each month. You will receive an email when your item is shipped.
For the one-time gift box option, you will be billed at the time of purchase.
When you sign up for the subscription program, you will be billed immediately for the first month of your subscription term, then near the end of the month each month after that.
If you have any questions, send us an email and we will help you out.
Order cut-off date for the next month is the 25th of the month before.
- Example: The cut-off to recieve the May box is April 25th.
If you order after the 25th of the month, your subscription will start the month-after-next.
- Example: If you place your order on April 26th, your first box will arrive in June.